Series: Rainshadow #4
Published by Jove on July 28, 2015
Genres: Futuristic, Sci-Fi
Format: Paperback
Source: Advance Reader Copy
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In the mysterious world of Harmony, there are places filled with unexplored marvels. But Rainshadow Island isn’t about to give up its secrets…
In the alien catacombs of Rainshadow, there are creatures whose compelling songs lure the unwary to their death. That’s why Rafe Coppersmith, hired to clear out the catacombs for exploration, needs a music talent. He’s knows the perfect one, but she probably doesn’t want anything do with him...
Ella Morgan had once fallen hard and fast for Rafe, but then he disappeared for months…and he’s not about to tell her why. Ella, too, has secrets that only her dust bunny knows. She’s not just a music talent, she’s a Siren: a paranormal singer capable of singing men to sleep—or to their deaths.
But once on Rainshadow, Rafe and Ella will learn that surrendering to passion doesn’t come without risks—and fighting fire with fire only adds to the flame…
I really like the Harmony world Ms. Castle has built. One day, I’d love to read from the beginning; Arcane Society, Harmony, Rainshadow, all of them!
One common complaint I’ve seen about this book is that it reads very similarly to her other books. Well, I haven’t read her older books, so for me it’s all fresh. But if you’re a fan, you’ll know what to expect. I think in that respect she reminds me of Nora Roberts-you pick up a Nora Roberts book knowing what to expect. It’s the same here. If you’ve read any of her books, she has a very specific style, and she’s easy to read. Her world-building is extensive, yet you don’t feel lost or confused. Her writing lets you slip right in.
This story has a heroine who isn’t what I see as her usual character. Ella has a very strong, very dangerous talent. She’s a siren, a specific type of talent that most think is a myth. As powerful as she is, she can psychically sing someone into a light sleep, into a coma, or even kill. But she chooses to help people with their dreams. She also chooses to keep hidden her strong power.
Rafe figures out early on what she is, but he’s attracted to her like crazy, and doesn’t care that she can kill him with a thought. He’s pretty powerful in his own right. So he asks her out. Being a siren means hiding who you are from everyone, so Ella is actually excited at the prospect that Rafe knows what she can do, and he still asked her out for coffee!
But he never calls. Sadly this isn’t new territory for her. Most guys freak out and bail so she tries to shrug it off…but she can’t stop thinking about him. And then he shows up in her office. But is he there for coffee? No, he wants to hire her!
He’s been tasked with going through the Preserve on Rainshadow Island and charting it. The big problem, though, is that for the past couple books, there have been some alien-engineered dinosaurs that were released from stasis. Humans report to hearing music with them nearby. Rafe wants Ella to listen and possibly communicate with them so they can somehow clear out the dinosaurs. Oh, and all others hired have been eaten by the dinos, so it’s kind of a risky job.
But there’s also something else going on behind the scenes, and Ella and Rafe are almost killed within moments of signing the contract. Heading out to Rainshadow Island only causes trouble to follow them.
The dinosaur storyline becomes less frightening, and more…sad, in a lonely sort of way. Taking care of that situation, and taking care of their enemies fall into the same category at one point, and it leaves room for romance. I enjoyed having a strong heroine, and having a hero who appreciated her. This book doesn’t need to be read in order, but it does give you a better understanding of the world on Rainshadow Island.
With the minor romantic suspense element thrown it, the plot moves pretty quickly. I really dig this series, I think I’ve read all of the Rainshadow books, and I definitely want to continue on with the Harmony and Arcane Society, even if I have to read backwards, and *gasp* out of order!
***ARC courtesy of Jove
Sounds like another good one! I love, love these books. Can’t wait for release..