Thank you for your interest in having your book reviewed by Got Fiction
Kelly (previously of DemonLover’s Books & More), Book Savvy Babe, and Highland Hussy review mainly Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance, Erotic Romance, Historical PNR, &; Urban Fantasy.
But we have branched out and will consider ANYTHING fiction; including YA and New Adult.
Highland Hussy only reviews Romance, preferably PNR and Historicals…no YA or NA, UF only if there’s a Romance arc.
We do not review non-fiction and please consider our site for Mature Audiences; 17+.
We are honest with our reviews. If we liked your book (or not), then we are going to put our very honest opinion in the review.
If we ask for your book it does not necessarily mean we will review it.
We will consider it.
We reserve the right NOT to post a review.
You can request reviews by filling in the form below:
In accordance with new FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review on my site are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book. I do not receive money for such reviews. The books are sent to me for an honest review. I will make known in such reviews if I received the book for free. If you have any questions, please contact us.
I seem to have the same problems with requesting a review as I did in every math class. Whenever I give the answer to the addition question at the end of your query, alas, it looks as though I’m incorrect. Please let me know the secret password.
I filled out the “request a review” form and hit “submit” three times. I did not receive a confirmation that my request had been received. I received my original completed request form with a different math quiz at the end to prove I’m not a robot. Can you please confirm that my request has been received? Thanks.
Michael (E. Michael Helms)
[email protected]
Hi there, Michael, we don’t have an auto-respond for review requests, but rest assured we did get it! I’ll make sure Alicia gets the request. That’s not a guarantee she’ll read/review, but I’ll definitely pass it on! Thanks, Laurie