Co-Blogger/ Book Reviewer: The Novel Strumpet, aka Alicia

I’m Alicia but go by The Novel Strumpet because that’s what I am.  I’ll read any book at any time in any fiction genre such as:

  • Romance
  • Erotica
  • Steampunk
  • Mystery
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Paranormal
  • YA
  • Graphic Novels (though I try to stay away from the mainstream DC/Marvel)
  • Sci-Fi
  • Etc

I’m horrible at self restraint and usually engage in book menages, if not outright orgies.  Hence why I have awful lag times between reviews, I’m exhausted after.  I love to review and blog about books and even more I love to talk books with like minded people.  At conventions like Comic-Con you’ll find me stalking the publisher booths and author panels.  Like all of us I hope to find a way to turn my love of books into a living, which means that I might actually finish one of the four books I’m working on 😛

You can find me on Twitter, deviantART, Facebook and recently I joined Instagram.  Oh, and of course at GotFiction? 😀