Five stars are like six-pack abs on a really tan, hunky guy not wearing much. They make us drool, we stroke them (the books, not the guys! - sometimes the guys...) and want to make sweet, sweet love to them. Five stars is the hottest, we mean, highest honor.

Four stars is a total hunkalicious of burning love, but maybe we didn't like his hair for some reason. We still think he's hot, and we're still going to recommend him, we mean, the book, to readers because it's a damn fine ass, we mean book.

Three stars = that awkward guy at the party. He's cute and you know he's cute, and if you look at him the right way, he even looks like Brad Pitt a little, but there are flaws. Surprisingly, he's good in bed (because you got drunk and shit happens).

Remember that - yeah we don't either.

One star is like expecting a somewhat attractive guy and being sent a Grumpy cat meme. We appreciate the effort, but no. This book was not for us. Grumpy cat might want to use it for litter though.
The top stack-Christine Feehan’s “Waterbound” in particular!
My vote is Nightshade!
[email protected]
I’ve been wanting to read Clockwork Angel, I say go for that one. I know it’s YA, but I absolutely loved the Mortal Instruments series!!
Waterbound by Christine Feehan. It has mixed reviews a bit but i thought it was awesome. I have a child with ADHD and aspergers so i thought it was awesome.
Nora Roberts Dance of the Gods is a older book but awesome. Part of a trilogy. have you read the others?
Otherwise close your eyes and pick! lol
Lisa B
I vote Nightshade also, but only because I haven’t read it yet and that’s what I would read first if those were my book stacks! LOL
I say either Nightshade or Clockwork Angel. Though I hadn’t read either two but heard awesome things on both of them.
Okay if that was my stack and I was picking something to read I would have to go with Nightshade because I really really want to read that one.
A couple that you have that I have read and like are The Replacement and Clockwork Angel.
I enjoy Christine Feehan’s series and would love to get Waterbound! [email protected]
Hi there!
Ok I would love to see a paranormal erotica book reviewed. Many on this list I am not familiar with but Blood Suckers sounds good. I am a sucker for vampires. 🙂
Lol…now I don’t feel so bad…I know I’m not alone…others have a pile as big as mine :0)
Suspense! Suspense I tell you!
lol or even better any that would count as Erotic Suspense ohh now that would be cool.
Something spicy and spine tingling to take you away from real life for a moment.
Sigh a girl can dream can’t she.
Oh, Nightshade looks good. I was about to grab that one. If you decide on that perhaps we can read it together and chat about it as we go.
Have fun picking. I do like the close your eyes option. Run your finger down the spine and grab the one that makes you blush. 😉
Mad Scientist
I own Water Bound and absolutely love it so that is my recommendation.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I feel better now seeing that I’m not the only one with “stacks” to read. 🙂 I’m going to be different and say Duchess of Sin. Good luck.
Carol L
[email protected]