I can honestly say that as much as I was dying to read this, I wasn’t sure how an entire book full of “Gideon Speak” would be to read. It was marvelous. So well-done that I never had an instant where I was unsure of what was said. I loved it and any Lords fans will too! Any Kresley Cole fans will love Carrow’s cameo appearance on youtube 🙂
I think that Gena Showalter is gearing up for something big. Too much was hinted at. (I’m trying to do this review with as few spoilers as possible) I’m super curious how Siena will escape Cronus, and if she will go stay with Paris. Curious how Amun will survive what happened to him, and to see if Lysander will be forced to hunt him down…and by the way Lysander is one hero who I LOVE in his book “The Darkest Angel,” but man in the past 2? I just want to kick him in the shin!
Anyone familiar with this series will recognize Scarlet from the Darkest Passion. She says that she is Gideon’s wife…or was? We aren’t really given too much to go on. One thing that’s too funny is she takes a lot of what he says literally even though she knows he has to lie. A few times, though, Gideon’s demon Lies actually tells the truth in his head, and even that causes untold pain.
I think that Gideon and Scarlet had a great give-and-take relationship. Sometimes I find when the hero/heroine go back and forth too often, I get annoyed with each of them. In Gena Showalter’s wonderful way, she had me sympathizing with them, enjoying the passion, the anger, the betrayal. I just loved it. In fact, when we find out the “Big Lie” as I’ll call it, turns out poor Scarlet, daughter of Rhea, was just a big giant pawn in her aunt, mother, and Cronus’ boredom. They used her to break up the monotony of their eternal Titanic lives. When I found out all that had been done to her, I just wanted to cry for her.
And Gideon! Wow, when the “Big Lie” is revealed by (of all people, er gods, Cronus) you not only want to weep for Scarlet, but for Gideon and all Scarlet had accused him of. She and he had a great chemistry and the sexual tension was steamy even without sex until almost the end. There were plenty of encounters where the steam factor cranked up.
The big surprise for me was Gideon’s and Scarlet’s demons were able to leave their bodies for a short time…and Gideon was finally, for the first time in thousands of years, able to speak the truth! He told Scarlet he loved her, and so much more.
A wonderful read, another fantastic Lords book by Gena Showalter, and wow, gotta love Gideon.
5 stars