The Talions came first. I was reading a book on ancient women warriors and came across a description of the excavation of a gravesite. They were talking about everything they could surmise about the woman, using the artifacts she was buried with as clues. It occurred to me as I read the details, that no matter how hard the archeologists try, they’ll never really KNOW the important facts woman buried there. How did she laugh? What color were her eyes? And more importantly, who loved her?
I had to wonder how the man who buried her with such care would feel about her grave being disturbed and her belongings put on display for the world to see. What would he do if he found out? Of course, in order for him to be watching, he’d still have to be alive. Okay, by now my imagination was running at full speed.
I could just see that thousand year old Viking, his heart breaking all over again. To make his story believable, I had to come up with a reason he’d still be alive. As it turns out, in my world, the Vikings developed the ability to harvest life energy from ordinary people, most often with no damage to the humans involved. My Viking, though, was the enforcer for his people, destroying those who would harm others. The dark energy he’d absorbed over the centuries has kept him going. Ranulf Thorsen, a six-foot-five redheaded Viking, became my first Talion in DARK WARRIOR UNLEASHED, living in the Cascade Mountains just east of modern day Seattle. By the way, just so you know, he stole back his wife’s belongings. I can’t blame him for that.
My vampire world is very different from that of the Talions. Again, something triggered one of those “what if” marathons that writers are prone to. I was wondering how a major shift in the climate would affect the North American continent. I decided that if there would be fewer temperate areas, then land would be at a premium.
In the North American Coalition, three species compete for existence, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The vampires live the longest, but can’t tolerate the sun and need the humans’ blood to survive. The humans can tolerate greater extremes in climate, but they are physically weaker. And finally, there are the chancellors—a vampire/human hybrid with strengths

We are dropped into a world of Vampires, Chancellors and humans live together and thrive, showing that we are all able to get along for the most part.
Seamus Fitzhugh, however, does not want nor need to get along with any of them. He has made revenge and fury the fire that burns inside him and pushes him to complete his task. Seamus’ quest of deceit and retribution takes him to the O’Day clan compound and closer to the man that has single handedly ruined his life, his career and left him now the last of his clan.
Keep a look out for the next book in the TaIlons series,
coming this August, 2010
Dark Warrior Untamed
If you enjoyed my review of Vampire Vendetta, then you are in luck. Alexis is giving away a signed copy of the book to a lucky winner.
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To be entered into the SPECIAL mystery contest at the end of the event, Post the 9 DAYS OF DARKNESS button on your blog or somewhere and tell me where I can find it?
Hey Alexis, I only found out about your books a few months ago, and have now read and own all the Talion & Paladin series.
I was wondering what the most interesting thing you’ve learnt while writing your books is?
Keep up the excellent work!
member of your blog, have put a link on my facebook (strange candy reviews), registered for Alexis Morgans members only section and have posted your 9 days of darkness button on my blog:
I’m am loving your 9 Days of Darkness event and posted your button here…
Good morning, everyone! Or at least it’s still morning the Pacific NW where I live. Thank you all for stopping by to say hi!
Joanne–When I first started writing, I swore I’d never do research. As it turns out, I really enjoy it. When I was starting the Paladin series, I read books on volcanoes and earthquakes. The best part, though, was actually going to see Mount St. Helens. Brooding is the one word that describes that mountain.
Highland Hussy–I’m so glad you’re enjoying the short stories. The second installment in Trahern’s story should post around the first of June. My upcoming releases include the third Talion book this August, and tentatively there will be three Paladin stories out next year. Right now the release dates (subject to change) are May/June/October. I do find juggling three series challenging, but also it helps keep the writing fresh for me. I have plastic bins for each series that have charactracter profiles, maps of the area, pictures of the characters, et. All of that helps.
Paranormal Haven–I always enjoy hearing how authors have been inspired to write a particular story. You just never know where that “aha!” moment is going to come from.
Sweet Vernal Zephyr–I agree, she’s doing a great job with her days of darkness.
Hi Alexis
How do you keep ideas coming do your characters speak to you?
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Hi, Dawn–Great question. Very often a character will start whispering in the back of my mind long before he/she really makes themself known to me. For example, I back when I was still writing westerns (as Pat Pritchard), a modern day warrior kept moving around in my head. All I knew was that he fought at the edge of darkness and light. He ended up being my first Paladin–Devlin Bane. Others, like Jarvis and Hunter fill a specific need in the story in which they first appear. But the price they demand for that role is a book of their own.
great post/review.Vampire Vendetta sounds good.Alexis is a new author to me,I’ll have to check her site out and all her other books.
I am a follower
Great interview, Alexis, and I really enjoyed reading about how you developed two of the three worlds you’re writing about!
Three series! You’re a writing goddess! I have two going, but would love to have three. You’re my inspiration!
(Kelly, I’m promoting today’s event on Facebook, Twitter, and in Club Hell, along with web and blog site, but don’t enter me in the contest for the usual reasons.)
Elaing8–If you give my books a try, I hope that you enjoy them. I tend to like to read series in order myself, so just in case, Dark Protector is the first Paladin book, Dark Warrior Unleashed is the first Talion story, and Vampire Vendetta is my first full length vampire book.
Adrian–Even juggling two series is a distinct challenge!If I’m a writing goddess, you must be on the pedestal next to mine in the writers’ pantheon!
I wish I had figured out a better way to keep track of everything early on. But then, I started out thinking I’d be lucky if the Paladins ended up as a trilogy–I never expected to given the chance to write them as an ongoing series.
Hey Alexis! Im looking forward to reading your series! Do you wish you were more like some of your characters? And which of your characters is your favorite to write about?
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Hi Alexis/Pat!!
It’s me, Mandy, the bookthong lady. When I heard you were writing a vampire series along with the other two, all I could think was “how does she do that??” I can see now, after your comment on how it helps to keep your writing fresh, how that would be a great benefit. I’ve made the mistake of purchasing say, the first 5 books in a series I hadn’t read before and by the time I got to the 3rd or 4th book, the author’s writing style was so predictable, it became extremely boring. Now, I mix it up and try not to read entire series all in a row so I can still enjoy each book.
It’s funny that you never wanted to do research. I’m so glad you find it interesting now. I love the research a little too much and get lost in the past, unable to stop myself from clicking that next link. When I look at my favorites list I always have to wonder what in the world did I save all those for! hahaha!!
Thanks so much, Alexis/Pat, for coming by and giving us an insight to your wonderful worlds! And thank you, Kelly for hosting!!
Hey Alexis What Are One Or Two Things We Wouldn’t Normally Know About You?
What Inspired You To Write Dark Warrior Untamed Or Did You See Something That Inspired You To Write It?
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Rachel–I wish I had the self-confidence a lot of my heroines have. I think often my heroines are a bigger, brighter version of who we’d all like to be.
Favorites? I seriously LOVE Blake Trahern and have from the beginning. Jarvis and Hunter are close seconds.
Hi, Mandy! My agent and editor seriously loved those book thongs you made for me and I sitll have mine hanging on my bulletin board where I can see it all the time. I understand about not reading all the books in a row–although there are some series I will read over and over that way. Patricia Briggs and Charlaine Harris come to mind.
Skyla–Let’s see. One of my herione’s in real life is Kid Rock’s drummer. I think she’s great and if I actually had a sense of rhythm, I’d want to be her. I’m also addicted to Dancing with the Stars, although I probably will miss the finals tonight because it conflicts with NCIS and NCIS-LA. Can’t miss Gibbs’s season finale!
Miranda–Let’s see, I just finished MAGIC BLEEDS, the newest book by Ilona Andrews. I love that whole series. Then read Rachel Lee’s new book. Some of my all time favorite books are part of her Conard County series, especially Miss Emmaline and the Archangel. (It’s a contemporary romance, not paranormal, BTW).
I’d like to remind all the Paladin fans that if you click on the members only section of Alexis’ website, there are monthly installments to a short story with Laurel and Devlin. They are soo awesome! Especially if you need a Paladin fix!
Alexis, how do you find time to write 3 series? Some authors have one book a year…I am very grateful you aren’t one of them! You’ve had 2 releases so far since many more can we expect?
Hi Alexis! Great interview and I liked learning more how you came up with your books.
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Stephanie G
Thanks, Alexis! I haven’t read Patricia Briggs, but I’m adding her to my list along with Ilona Andrews. Oh, and I hope your as happy with the cover of Dark Warrior Untamed as I am, cuz… yeah… HOT!!!
Hi Alexis. I’m a newbee to your writing. I am extremely interested and will be looking for your books when I go to the bookstore tomorrow.
Could you or anyone that has read Alexis’s books point me in the direction I should start with because they all sound GREAT!!!!’
Thanks for stopping by, so glad I found your books 🙂
Dang, forgot to leave my name and web address, sorry…
[email protected], Michele
Mnady, both of those series are Urban Fantasies with very clever story lines. Hope you enjoy them.
Michelle, I listed the first book in each of my three series about twelve comments up from this one. Hope that helps.
Take care,
i always enjoy your books
i joined your memebers only
Hi, Blackroze! Thanks for joining the members only section. I have to admit, I like playing the word searches there myself, and I’ve had a great time writing the freebie short stories that are posted there.
Adrian for stopping by and all the promotion!
Hi Everyone! So glad to have Alexis Morgan here… She is my fav!
Just stopped in to say hello and keep asking all those great questions!
I really enjoyed your interview, Alexis. You are a new author to me, but I have heard so many good things about your books, I have to start reading them. I love series, so I am certain I will love yours.
1) Do you think your writing has changed any since your first book?
2) Follow Demon Lover’s blog.
Patsy Hagen
Hi Alexis, I really loved you interview. I can’t wait to read Untamed.
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Jellybelly–thanks for stopping by. I hope you have some fun poking around in the members only section of my website–
Wow, I was won over when I read Vampires and Vikings! AWESOME! I believe just the other day I was thinking, why has no one written that book!
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robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Robin–Glad you think it sounds awesome–thanks for stopping by–
lol Alexis! I’ll be there in spirit with you for NCIS! I can’t miss that show either!
Hi Alexis! I absolutely love your books. I am thankful to Kelly for recommending turning me into a huge fan of yours! Vampire Vendetta sounds like a hit I can’t wait to pick up a copy!
I’m sure you don’t have that much time with all the writing you are doing(which I’m thankful for!) but I was wondering if you are currently reading anything, if so what?
[email protected]
Just swinging in to say howdy, Alexis.
Goes without saying that I love your books…I’m always blown away by your creative mind. Not just the ideas, but the execution is wonderful and makes every series special.
Way to write pageturners!
Bonnie! Thanks for joining us! For those who don’t know, that was Alexis’ friend Bonnie Edwards. She writes erotica and the one I’ve read is called “Breathless.”
Wow great covers the book cover looks fantastic one of the best ones I seen and hottest one also.
[email protected]
Well, I got home from work early because my test vehicle kept throwing a BRAKE warning and I didn’t really feel like driving without them, but you knew I’d get here one way or another 😉
You made me feel so bad for Ranulf. You write great characters and I love ’em all, though I’m still waiting for Penn… 😉
Oh, I just saw I missed this event, blame work! grr.
Wow, I love that the 3 series are so different Alexis can play out her ideas, why settle for one when she can have women warriors, vikings and vampires? 😀
Kelly your review made me want to read Vampire Vendetta so bad!! please enter me too.
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3. Stella
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I really dig the concept of the viking vampire and how you came about the idea. i’ll have to be on the look out for your books.
You’re a new author for me and I look forward in reading your works.
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Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Great interview. I’ve never read any of your books, but i’m going to check them out now.
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