Once past the first 100 pages of “happy happy Care Bear land” the author created, the book started to get interesting. The great moments had suspense, intrigue and a frightening villain. When it was good, it was great: But when it was bad, it was just that.
I am definitely a fan of sex and intimacy in a book, but there is a time and place for everything. Case in point (without giving away too much), a female is kidnapped and taken. She is chained, starving and being tormented mentally and physically by her captor. After a brutal session of her captor’s advances, she dreams that her lover will save her… she decides at that very moment to “knock one off”, yes that means masturbate. NOT an appropriate time.
Our hero Seth was the star of this book. He was sexy, mysterious and I wanted to know more. He’d been estranged from his Native American roots and with the gentle coaxing of Shannon; he begins to bridge the gap that had plagued him for years. Unimaginable circumstances make him turn to the medicine man of his tribe and really find himself. I would have liked to share more of this link with Seth. The author had the bait set and I was on the hook, but she failed to reel this reader in. This book had a serious case of, I don’t know what to write here, let’s add a sex scene!
I would classify this book as a Romantic Thriller that has so much potential, but just fell short. The writing was choppy and bounced back in forth, not allowing the scenes to seamlessly flow from one to another.
Now for the part where I got upset, weather I draws from personal experience or not is not the point, but I must make one.
When a traumatic experience (death, rape, abduction, molestation, kidnapping, torture, etc…) happens in a woman’s or man’s life: there’s absolutely no way, no matter the current bliss, that the victim thinks; I want to return to the scene of the crime later to spend vacations, family time or simply to enjoy the view in springtime? I’m not trying to be harsh, be true love could never erase something so horrific from one’s mind.
This novel had good bones, good intentions and potential. This is my personal opinion only and I ask that everyone must judge for themselves if this book is for them or not. All I can offer is an honest review.
P.Q. Glisson, thank you for the opportunity to take a look at your work. Please forge on and continue your journey as an author, your future as a writer is destined to be great.
wow, turned out great. I’m glad you put in the scene about her getting off after being tormented by the bad guys. Didn’t you say this is billed as Young Adult? I’m not sure about that. Twilight=YA, PC Cast=YA, even Gena Showalter’s YA doesn’t have that!
Sounds like the review turned out just how you wanted it to. From what you were telling me it seems to have come across that way.
Hi, I am the author of Her Sanctuary. I would just like to kindly correct Kelly on a couple of things. First and formost, this book was never to be taken as a YA novel. It is categorized as an adult contemporary romance/mystery. It would cause me extreme distress to think that young children are reading my book. Secondly, the “scene” Kelly referred to as “knocking one off” was taken out of context. Shannon (there was never a Heather in the book) was given the date rape drug. This was to further show the warped psyche of her kidnapper. She was under the influence of a highly hallucinigenic drug and had a dream of her true love holding her once again. Though they very briefly discussed the beauty of the location of the cabin, they never came back to it afterward. I could’ve probably just left that out of the story completely. It was just to show that with Seth’s love and support, she could recover completely from her ordeal.I would never try to argue or rebuke a reviewer. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but I ask you to please read the other reviews before you decide. Go to amazon and read the other four 5 star reviews. Make up your own mind. And please remember, this is an adult (not erotica) romance. Thank you and thanks Kelly for reading and reviewing my very first novel.
My review is the personal opinion of me, DemonLover, owner of this blog.
All followers or those whom decide to read my review are urged to form an opinion of thier own.
The author PQ Glisson was thrilled that I wanted to read her story, but doesn’t seem to have the thick skin to endure a little criticism. I want all to know that I paid for this book, from amazon and was NOT given a review copy by the author.
Now I’m beginning to wish I hadn’t spent the $19.95 + tax and shipping. I think the work as a whole was good. This was her first book and she had many good, even great moments.
I applaud her desire to write and hope that she continues to do so.