Starting today, we’re going to do a series review-the Nightwalkers series by Jacquelyn Frank. Each day will be a review of the books in order, ending with Ms. Frank’s new release Adam. (I’m reading it right now and it ROCKS!!!)
Friday, November 4th Jacob will be only $1.79 for both Nook and Kindle. It is a ONE DAY ONLY event and we’ll be giving away a copy of book 2 in the series Gideon as well, so this is a great chance to start the Nightwalkers series.
Last week, Ms. Frank was here for a guest post which you can read here
Today, we’ll kick things off with my review of Jacob.
My rating: 4 of 5 flames
This was a really interesting start to what promises to be an exciting and interesting series.
Jacob is the demon king’s Enforcer. That means he enforces their laws on any of his people found consorting with humans. Their bestial natures are too much for humans-especially at the Beltane and Samhain moons-May and October. They call it the Hallowed madness.
Enter Isabella.
She falls out of her apartment window and Jacob catches her…mid-air! He is instantly connected to her, and she suddenly feels choking and burning, and smells smoke. I guess she felt empathy towards the demon Jacob had been hunting-his buddy Saul had been summoned, and once summoned, a demon becomes the slavering bloodthirsty creature we all think of when we hear the word demon. Well, Bella kills Saul, saving her and Jacob’s life, but Bella’s like 5 foot nothing and human, so wtf? Oh wait, it seems she may not be so human after all-part druid. And while Jacob seems to be breaking the rules he holds so sacred, really he and Bella are imprinting-their souls are recognizing each other.
They have to keep Isabella safe, figure out how to save other demons from the necromancers who keep summoning them, and how to tell demonkind that the times they are-a-changing.
I liked the idea of the world Jacquelyn Frank created, and I love the demons so far. Bella has some interesting powers, and Jacob is a fantastic hero. All of the supporting characters have me excited for their stories too.
I also didn’t like how every time Jacob was with Bella the word used to describe him was repeatedly “violent.” He actually wasn’t violent with her, and the author kept saying how he bruised her and left long red cuts from his claws, but it was not in a just a little too rough way. It was really annoying. Jacob was gentle and protected her, so it seemed out of character.
Other than that, the descriptions and the world-building were great and I can’t wait to read Gideon next.
Great review, Laurie! I have a few of the books in this series, but I haven’t started it yet. Story of my life lol.