DemonLover’s books & more
1 Year Blogoversary & Lovefest
I can’t believe it’s been a whole year! So many things have happened and I’ve been able to meet so many wonderful people during this journey. I’d like to take the time to thank all of my faithful followers, the creative authors, the publishers that allow me to review thier books and the Fitness models that have given us so much visually to enjoy.
I thought the best way to celebrate this Blogoversary would be with some of the Authors I love and the books that will always remain on my shelf!
Today we will be having a few authors stop by to chat and even give away a few goodies!
Cynthia Eden 7-9am PST
We also have a signed copy of Eternal Flame
by Cynthia Eden
Adrian Phoenix 12-2pm PST
Giving away a signed copy of Rush of Wings
Feb 14th Schedule:
PJ Schnyder 2-8pm PST
PJ will be hanging out during this time and chatting about her Terra’s Guardian’s Series
and giving away a Ecopy of either: Heart’s Sentinel or Red’s Wolf
Donna Grant 4-6pm PST
Donna will be popping in and chatting about her Dark Sword Series
and giving away a signed copy of: Wicked Highlander
DB Reynolds 5-6pm PST
DB wouldn’t miss a chance to talk about her Vampires in America series
and give away a signed copy of: Rajmund
Ella Vines 7-8pm PST
Ella Vines is a new author to DemonLovers and she has joined our celebration and is giving a Ecopy of her brand new book, Dark Fairy, to be released on March 15th.
(YA paranormal fiction)
by Gwen Hayes, which is her debut book releasing March 1st!
(Look for the review, coming soon on DemonLovers)
Rules to enter the Giveaways
To enter, come visit the site and chat with the author of your choice.
You must be a GFC follower.
Leave a comment for which ever author you want to chat with, they’ll be looking for thier name and a question.
You must a have a seperate comment per author.
At the end of the day on Feb 15th, I will announce the winners.
*Giveaway is open to the US only*
Also, Enter your contact information HERE
Other Giveaways:
This post is for Donna Grant:
First I wanted to say congratulations for winning 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in the 2010 JABBIC contest! I checked out your website and saw that you used to be a dancer until you caught the writing bug. Do you think you would still be a dancer if you hadn’t become a writer?
Sorry to post so early in the day, I will be out this evening and won’t be able to chat live.
user1123 AT comcast DOT net
This comment is for Ella Vines:
What are your favorite fairy tales or myths?
I love the cover for Her Dark Fairy and the one on your site for Seduced by a Satyr, by the way! 🙂
[email protected]
Wow…a fun filled day…
Congrats…I can’t believe I’ve missed out on an entire YEAR with you!!! I must say I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve had so far with you!!!! It’s been a blast!!!!
Happy 1 Year!!!
Here’s to many more :0)
Hi, April. That’s a great question. I love Narcissus and the works of Keats, especially “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” and “The Eve of St. Agnes.” Basically, anything with a touch of the dark to it fascinates me. Currently, I’m really into fairies and satyrs, but I’m also writing about vampires ala old school vampires like Stoker and LeFanu imagined. Thanks for the question! 🙂
–Ella Vines
Hi All! I’m hanging out for a while and I wanted to give grats to Kelly on her blogoversary! 🙂
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!!!! That’s awesome!
Now, on to my question. 🙂
StacieDM, that’s a great question that no one has asked me. Honestly, I don’t know. I probably would still be involved in some way. I’d probably own my own dance studio, but a dancer’s profession ends in their early 20s, so they have to do other things to stay involved. 🙂
First of all I would like to say Congrats on 1 year! Here’s to many more to come
Two I received the poster today let me say it brought a smile to my face. Thank you.
Third this question is for all the authors, If you could write anything outside your norm what would it be and why?
BLHmistress, that’s a great question. I would write a “Literary” work re-imagining the life of one of my favorite authors, maybe with a torrid romance or something added in. I have a few ideas. Maybe some day I will! Thanks for the great question…
A year…that’s terrific!!! Looking forward to many more years of visiting here! Awesome job!
Ok here’s my question…any author can answer cause I’m snoopy….LOL
What made you choose “Paranormal” ?(Not that I mind by all means *evil grin*)
BLHmistress, great question. 🙂 I would give historical romance a try, Regency time period. There’s a great feel to it with so many little details in the clothes and food, etiquette and drivers behind why people did what they did.
And BJ, I have to say I love paranormal. There’s something incredibly sexy about shapeshifters. I chose paranormal because I could bring in so many passionate characteristics to my characters, with so much scope for the hows and whys things work the way they do in my world.
I’m here! Happy Blogoversary to Kelley and Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
The next book will be SOPHIA and it’s out on April 15th. I just posted the first chapter on my blog, by the way
This was my chance to introduce a female Vampire Lord. There’s also lots of Raphael and Cyn in the story, but it really introduces Sophia and her love interest Colin Murphy, a former Navy SEAL. The story takes place up in the Pacific Northwest, from Vancouver to Seattle. Someone’s killing vamps and Cyn and the gang have to figure out who.
Hi D.B.! I love your books!
I was wondering if would every put up old Vampire Vignettes on your site? I missed the first three and I am so disappointed!
Also will we be seeing any more of Mirabelle in future books?
Hi DB Reynolds, I loved reading the first chapter of Sophia. I’m psyched! And Duncan…OMG…I cannot wait! Love everything you write!!!! Please publish the vignettes in a book.
Doesn’t the cover of Dark Fairy just catch your eye???? Hmmmmmm???? Please forgive me for staring!!!!!
(I’ll Have to check that one out!)
So, I really enjoyed the chat with Donna! But, I must say….When you all come to town in August it’s gonna be INTERESTING!!!!!!
Here’s another fun question…what time period would you love to go back to and live if you had the chance?????
Ella here. I’m glad to be on the blog for the next hour. 🙂 Kelly, happy blogoversary and thanks so much for hosting us!
BJ, thanks! I love the cover of “Her Dark Fairy” too and of “Seduced by a Satyr” that is soon to be up on the Summerhouse site! My publisher does great covers. It’s like they read my mind. 😉
You’ll have to forgive me Ella, I’ve never heard of you until today but if that’s what comes from your mind…you and I will get along just fine….LOL
Julie, I’ll re-run the Vampire Vignettes again, but probably not for at least a few months. I’ve got SOPHIA coming out, so I want to give her her star moment.
Dot, I’m waiting until I have a few more Vignettes, but, yes, they’ll probably end up in a book before too long!
Thanks for stopping by.
BJ, that’s too funny!!
PJ, here. 🙂 Glad to have popped in throughout the niht. Thank you everyone for visiting!
In addition to the Terra’s Guardians series (Heart’s Sentinel and Red’s Wolf), I have a new sci-fi romance coming out from Carina Press titled Hunting Kat. Hope you all will consider checking out my titles. 🙂
Well after today my TBR pile has grown….LOL
Looks like I need to stop posting and start reading!!!!!!
This was a lot of Fun!!!!!
Until tomorrow….Have a good night :0)
Wow, DL great job on this! I can’t believe it’s been a year already! Happy Blogiversary 😀
Wow! Congratulations on the first year! And here’s to many more.
Wishing everyone here a happy Valentine’s Day and may the blog continue to rock the net!
Bonnie Edwards
Hi DB and everyone who’s stopping by.
DB, tell us a little bit about your next book and when it comes out?
This is so much fun!
Oooh, DB I’m excited for a girl vampire lord!
Hey Bonnie ::waves:: thanks!
PJ-why haven’t you tried an Historical? You’d be great at it!
Hi, everyone! I hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day–and that you’re still enjoying some great chocolate.
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogversary!
Hey, everyone! I hope everyone’s having a lovely day!
A lovely warm day in tennesse. Must say i love your books cant wait to get a copy of etched in bone..
Hi Jacklyn,
Glad to hear that it’s warm in Tennessee! It happens to be pouring rain herein Oregon. Go figure. LOL.
Thanks so much! I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed the series and I really appreciate your support!
Raining here in (usually) sunny California, too.
My fingers are itching with the need to get hold of Etched in Bone!! I love these books, and the Hoodoo books, too!
Thanks so much, DB! And I love your books too! I CANNOT wait for your next release! It’s soon, right? Just not soon enough. LOL!!
Morning Cynthia
Thanks for coming by!