My rating: 4.5 of 5 flames
Amelia is back in Charleston and trying her best to avoid Devlin. But it isn’t so easy to do when she thinks about him constantly. It doesn’t help that ghosts keep leading her to him.
His dead friend, nicknamed the Prophet, who we met in the first book is calling the shots this time. He just wants to rest, but he thinks the fact that he doesn’t remember who his killer is might be why he can’t. He wants Amelia to figure out who killed him. In fact, he even blackmails Amelia a bit, just to ensure she’ll help him out. But despite that, I liked him, and I liked his ending-it seemed appropriate.
This book has a lot more reveals than the other two, and I found so much of it incredibly interesting. This one also has a lot more action, so to speak. I liked seeing Amelia make a friend, and I hope that trend continues as she carves out a spot for herself in Charleston.
I’ve been so sucked into this series, that I really have a hard time distancing myself enough to write more than a glowing fangirl rave-view
I can honestly say that I love the vibe this author has. It’s spooky, and eerily beautiful, haunting you long after you’ve finished reading it. I can’t wait for the next book, because the ending to this one wasn’t enough for me-I want more.
There are a couple things that bugged me-like what was Devlin’s relationship like with the mysterious woman at the beginning? Was it truly who it was implied to be? And what will happen now that Amelia has embraced her heritage, so to speak? And what will happen to Devlin? Or will the consequences all be on Amelia?
I know this review is tons shorter than most of mine, but truly I’m having a hard time not giving things away, so I’ll have to end with this:
The Graveyard Queen series is an auto-buy for me, and I can NOT wait for the next one, because I really want more.
***Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC