Five stars are like six-pack abs on a really tan, hunky guy not wearing much. They make us drool, we stroke them (the books, not the guys! - sometimes the guys...) and want to make sweet, sweet love to them. Five stars is the hottest, we mean, highest honor.

Four stars is a total hunkalicious of burning love, but maybe we didn't like his hair for some reason. We still think he's hot, and we're still going to recommend him, we mean, the book, to readers because it's a damn fine ass, we mean book.

Three stars = that awkward guy at the party. He's cute and you know he's cute, and if you look at him the right way, he even looks like Brad Pitt a little, but there are flaws. Surprisingly, he's good in bed (because you got drunk and shit happens).

Remember that - yeah we don't either.

One star is like expecting a somewhat attractive guy and being sent a Grumpy cat meme. We appreciate the effort, but no. This book was not for us. Grumpy cat might want to use it for litter though.
Aw, great books you chose!! I totally want to win The Clockwork Angel 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats on 400.
I want Clockwork Angel so badly!
Ohhh Clockwork Angel!!! I want that book so bad! Congrats on the followers and thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
Clockwork ANGEL!! LOL thanks!
I’d love to get Clockwork Angel
Great books! I’m gonna go with everyone else and say Clockwork Angel!
thanks for the awesome contest! congrats on the followers!
Thanks for hosting – all the books look great – I choose Nature of the Beast as my pick!
Thanks for the great giveaway and I would love Deep Kiss of Winter.
I would love to win Clockwork Angel. 🙂
Hey Kelly! Congrats on the 400! I’ll try to remember to tweet it for you now and then 🙂
Talk to you later and call me when your free so we can chat a bit 🙂
I don’t care which book I win lol Congrats on the 400 Kelly, your blog is simply awesome!
=) I’ll take Kresley Cole’s Deep kiss of winter. It was her book “a Hunger like no other” that got me into reading paranormals. Thanks and great contest. Love your gorgeous men too.
I am totally crossing my fingers for Clockwork Angel! Thanks for the giveaway and Congrats on the big 400.
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I want Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
Congrats on 400+ followers! I picked Clockwork Angel 🙂
I entered and would love K. Cole…she’s one awesome story teller…
I’m so happy to see such a great turn out for this contest.
Remember that if you list that you added my button to the sidebar of your blog…I DO go and look. So far, 2 enries DO NOT have my button in thier sidebar. You can repent by also adding the 400 follower contest button as well! LOL
Goodluck everyone and spread the word!
great giveaway thank you and Congrats on followers
I went with Deep Kiss of Winter by Kresley Cole.