This is the third book in The Lost Night Files series (trilogy?). I’m sure it’s meant to be wrapped up as a trilogy, but with this author, I never say never lol.
So we have our third heroine Amelia, and if you’ve been following my reviews or if you’ve checked out the previous books, the short version is that 3 women were lured to a remote location and all 3 woke up after a fire and with their memories of the night missing. They then started a podcast to see if they could figure out what had happened to them. All 3 women woke up with an enhanced psychic talent of some kind as well. This third book is about Amelia.
Amelia feels like she’s being stalked. Things in her apartment are moved. Nothing has been stolen, the person is just basically messing with her and letting her know that they can get in and out of her place whenever they want. She goes to Gideon Sweetwater (there’s a fun little cross-over for us!) and wants to hire him. But he doesn’t believe her…at first.
The two of them do band together, but one thing Gideon isn’t sharing is that psychic talents run in the Sweetwater family. He also finds out that his uncle was in charge of the initial research into finding test subjects who already had a talent, and then trying to enhance them medically. (not a spoiler, this happens early on!) But his uncle was never told that the research was continued without him…or who had it.
Gideon and Amelia realize things are bigger than they’d originally thought and things get intense pretty quick. One thing the characters have been finding out is that they were not the only victims. This culminates in the fact that many of the people experimented on quickly become unstable. And not all of them are good. When the villains can kill with a thought, it’s hard to make a stand.
But Gideon and Amelia make a good team, and I enjoyed their story. I hope there is more to come in the Lost Night Files because paranormal content doesn’t have to stop at the end of their story. They can hunt down more stories and more people, and I for one, hope there are more books in this series, even if our three heroines have the end to their story.
***ARC provided courtesy of Berkley via Netgalley