What’s your reading pleasure?
Do you hunt out Secret baby books?
Are handcuffs and spanking your flavor of the month?
Does your heart beat faster for a bad-boy?
Or are you on the look out for a menage?
Romance My Way Blog Hop is sharing favorite romance tropes/themes. I love so many books, but I think my long-running favorite theme has to be the life-mate/soul-mate theme. The books where people feel a connection, it’s strong, but maybe they fight it, don’t understand it, etc. I especially love this theme in paranormal books (think werewolves finding their lifemate, or vampires finding their bondmate). Sound familiar? I love the way Laura Adrian writes these stories in her Midnight Breed series. Also, one of my favorite reads ever is Bitten by Kelly Armstrong, where Elena and Clay are meant for each other, but past hurts and the complications that come when one has to turn into a wolf regularly get in the way of the bond.
There are 2 giveaways at Got Fiction’s stop on the Romance My Way Blog Hop.
Giveaway 1) We at Got Fiction are offering up a $12 Amazon gift-card OR a book from The Book Depository (for international entrants.) Must be 18 to enter, open to US & International. To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below.
Giveaway 2) $50 Grand Prize Tour Wide contest, hosted by Scorching Reviews. Fill out the rafflecopter below to enter.
Thank you for stopping by. Be sure to continue on the blog hop to enter to win more prizes:
I’m a non-con dub-con kinda girl myself 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
[email protected]
Love soulmates and paranormal romance. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love paranormal and star-crossed lover stories!
Ashley A
[email protected]
I love star-crossed lover stories! And paranormal stuff!
Ashley A
[email protected]
I’ll read pretty much anything at least once 🙂 But I’m a big fan of reunited/friends to lovers. add anything paranormal and I’m in heaven 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I love theme in paranormal books too. A lot books of mine was paranormal genre.
I am a huge fan of ménage, I love a great Alpha male story , and give me a bad boy any day! Thanks for sharing [email protected]
I am a fan of ménage! Huge fan of any Alpha male story, and give me a bad boy any day! Thanks for sharing
[email protected]
sorry about the 2 posts the first one said it didn’t post but I guess it did! LOL Thanks again
No problem, we love comments 🙂
I do love secret babies books. I have read many, many bad ones.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for the recommendations and the awesome giveaway!
I don’t know that I have a specific trope/theme. I do LOVE Alpha males, though!!! The more Alpha, the better! 😉
I read a wide variety, so they don’t have to alpha, but I tend to gravitate to them.
I like all tropes, I really like a good story. I’m going to check out Kiss of Midnight. I love these hops, I find so many new authors and books to read. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love friends to lovers.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
I love friends to lovers and captive of war stories.
I like paranormal, friends to lovers romances, but also bad-boy heroes!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com
Yay! Thank you!!! 😀