Hi lovely demonlover followers! This is your Highland Hussy letting you know this is a guest review from Michelle, who was able to help me out and review Queen of the Sylphs. I loved the first book in that series, but just didn’t have enough time to play catch up to read this one, so I asked her if she wouldn’t mind reviewing for us.

You can read my review of The Battle Sylph (book 1) here, and now I’ll let Michelle take it away!

Sometimes a book grabs you, and places you in the author’s beautifully created world so effectively; you cannot imagine the story ending.

I fell in love with McDonald’s The Battle Sylph (book 1 in the Sylph series) and craved more. I read The Shattered Sylph (book 2 in the Sylph series) and almost immediately began bugging the author for the release dates of the next book in the series. I was like a squealing fangirl when I received an ARC copy of Queen of the Sylphs. With my high expectations and my love for this series, I was prepared to be disappointed. I’m happy to say, not only was I not disappointed, but this book easily exceeded all my expectations!

As a reviewer, you try to explain a book’s strengths and weaknesses so that other readers can figure out if they want to read the book. I have a hard time finding any weaknesses for books like this one. When I love a book, I love it with my entire being, and sometimes my love will blind me to flaws in the story. I did not see any flaws, so forgive me now if they are there, and I did not point them out.

The characters

In Queen of the Sylph, we have so many returning characters that play a vital part to the story including:

Heyyou and Solie- (the main characters from The Battle Sylph)
Ril and Lizzie- (the main characters from the Shattered Sylph)
Mace and The Widow- (the main characters from A Midwinter Fantasy (Strangely Beautiful, #2.5) (Sylph, #2.5))

In addition to our previous main characters, we have some of the minor characters from the previous books playing a larger part including:

Leon, Justin, Gabralina, Wat, Claw, Rachel, Nelson, Galway, Devon, and Dillon

And introducing a new character:


While the character list may seem mountainous, McDonald develops each character perfectly and makes the story flow smoothly. In fact, the story is told by alternating character POV. I usually hate when the POV changes throughout the story but in this book, it is necessary.

Each POV contributes to the telling of the story and gives the reader a better understanding of what is happening.

The story

What happens when one selfish, manipulative girl, uses the loyalty and honor of the sylphs to her advantage? Sala is a girl seeking to be queen and will test the Sylph’s loyalty and honor, the bond between Sylph and master, and the trust between villager and Sylph, in her quest to be queen.

Because of the Sylph’s honor, a Sylph cannot disobey a command from their master or their queen. One small mistake gives Sala the ability to control one Sylph and that sets up a series of events that has crushing consequences. My heart broke for that Sylph. His agony was so pure that I literally had tears running down on my Kindle.

Besides Sala’s actions, Heyyou creates a bit of havoc that only Heyyou could manage. He is still goofy, playful, and his desire to please and love Solie, creates a big surprise for the entire Sylph community. You can’t help but love Heyyou and his boyish charm. What Heyyou does to Solie is done with the best intentions and it gives the story some much needed charm.


Action, mystery, non-stop excitement, heart-breaking loss, and a sweet charming romance all wrapped up in an engaging story that flows perfectly. What else could I ask for except the next book please!