Welcome Author Marilee Brothers
Let’s get to know her…
What state/Country do you reside?
Central Washington state, east of the Cascades. It’s the dry side. Think, apple trees, vineyards, not Seattle.
How did you get started writing?
I wrote poetry and short stories for many years. When my family was grown and I retired from my career as a teacher, coach and counselor, I started writing books.
Do you want to thank one person in particular for giving that extra push?
My husband has always been my biggest fan and supporter. He also keeps me organized, a huge job since my mind is usually going off in a thousand different directions.
How many books did you attempt before you were published?
I was lucky enough to get the first one published.
Do you have any MUST haves to write? Food, drink or time?
My biggest motivator is guilt. My conscience nags me until I sit down and write. Coffee helps too.
Which novel is your favorite of your books?
Moonstone, the first book in the Unbidden Magic series.
Of that, which is your favorite character?
I love channeling the voice of Allie Emerson, the protagonist in all the Unbidden Magic books.
How many books do you have in the works now?
I’m currently writing a book with a seventeen-year-old boy main character. It’s titled The Blue Rose and is a bit edgier than the Unbidden Magic books. It also has a paranormal element. Hint: magic baby!
What are your favorite scenes to construct?
They’re all hard! However, I really enjoy writing dialogue.
Do you have plans for another new book/series?
Maybe. The Blue Rose could be the start of a series but not sure I want to commit to a series right now. I really want to write a time-travel steam punk novel that’s been floating around in my brain for a couple of years.
What is the 1st book you remember reading and falling in love with?
The Secret Gardenby Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Who is your favorite author? Favorite series? Seriously?
That’s like asking me to name my favorite kid – LOL! That said, I’ve read everything by James Lee Burke. I also love Lee Child’s books featuring Jack Reacher. I don’t read a lot of nonfiction but Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand absolutely blew me away.
What is your favorite quote?
“Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that makes you smile.” …Mark Twain
Do you have a favorite book cover?
Each time a new book comes out, that cover is my favorite. So, right now, it’s book #5, Midnight Moon.
Naughtiest book you ever read?
Years ago, I read a book called The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander which, in that day and age was quite shocking. It probably doesn’t hold a candle to Fifty Shades of Greywhich, I confess, I have not read. Not that I wouldn’t.
Tell us something no one knows.
I have a wacky sense of humor. Therefore, I find the Gangnam style of dance so hilarious, I ROLF. Every single time. Shhh, don’t tell anyone.
About the book:
Marilee Brothers “Moon Rise” YA Paranormal
Her mom is still dating losers. Her boyfriend’s gone back to Mexico. Dad still hasn’t told his wife and kids that she exists. At school, the drama queens and bullies still rule. But worst of all for Allie Emerson (aka the Star Seeker of an old Gypsy prophecy) is that her powers have taken a hike. She can’t read minds anymore. She can’t move stuff just by looking at it. The other Star Seekers are counting on her psychic gifts more than ever, and the evil Trimarks are closing in, eager to snatch her magic moonstone necklace while she’s helpless. The hot new guy at school is ready and willing to fight her battles, but he comes with some wicked baggage.
Dear diary: I’m a little worried. My new BF is a demon.
Welcome again to Allie Emerson’s funny, scary, amazing, and always unpredictable life, as the girl voted least likely to save the world from evil.