Gwen Mosley can’t figure out why the dogs are acting so strange? She follows them outside of her farmhouse to see what the commotion is. The dogs lead her into the nearby woods and to an injured man. Something about this massive man is different? After fetching her brother to help, she loads him into a cart and back to the house. She finds as she cleans up the strangers wounds, they are starting to heal right before her eyes! She would be scared, if she didn’t already know someone with this same ability…
The many faucets of this book are so exciting. A great story, start to finish.
Yes, your very much correct in saying that I need to read this series lol I mean HOT guys on the covers is a HUGE plus to start us off lol
Sounds like great reads, and I’m looking forward to when I can get these books. :o)
Thanks for the review.
Lisa–I’m glad you ind the idea of my stories intriguing. And yes, the cover gods have smiled on me. This particular cover is my favorite, but they’re all good!
And I want to say thanks for the great review! It means a lot to me when people take the time to share their enthusiasm about one of my stories!
You are very welcome and the praise is well deserved. I believe you never fail to captivate the reader, touch something personal inside us and leave us wanting… just as a good PNR novel should.
Thank you.
Looking forward to the next…