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As everyone knows, I am such a Highlander Hussy! The maidens at Under the Covers book blog and I decided to share our love of all things kilted with you. What better way to do this, than to bring in the Mackenzie Men from the Jennifer Ashley series Highland Pleasures. Wow, what a great series name, am I right?
Read my review of The Duke’s Perfect Wife
Today, Suzanne and I battle out our love of 2 of these Mackenzie men. Suzanne says Ian from The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie is the best. Over here at Demon Lover’s, we disagree. We think Hart from her newest book The Duke’s Perfect Wife (due out April 3) is the sexiest, the studliest, the best looking in a kilt…
So, for your reading pleasure, we’re going to allow you all to agree or disagree with us! And the best part? You are commenting for a chance to win either Hart’s book, or Ian’s book. (Courtesy of the lovely Jennifer Ashley–who will provide the winner an ebook if you are international)
Highland Hussy: No way is Ian the best, I am all about Hart. This man knows how to play naughty in the bedroom but keep it nice during the day. Known for his sexual appetites, Hart’s reputation is well-deserved. That man could blindfold me and tie me up any day! His recent years of celibacy would be at an end, if I’d met him before Eleanor. But alas, she was his former fiancée, and true love. I know where his heart lies.
He looks best in a kilt, hellooo sexy man calves, and he is definitely the best looking Mackenzie brother. He may be eldest, but those fine lines merely add distinction to his handsome and rugged good looks.
Hart’s main goal may be to become Prime Minister, but learning to love Eleanor is beautiful to watch. Hart not only has to learn to love, he learns how to accept love. When Hart sees that his end game has changed, and that maybe he’s okay with that, he realizes that love is more important-It’s so much more fulfilling to love and be loved. And when you read about Hart, you’ll fall for him, just as I have.
And the Lovely Suzanne has to say:
Pfft, Hart may have learnt the importance of love, but he still doesn’t compare to Ian. Beth brings out the best in him, a man who finds it impossible to express emotion finally finds his way. And when he is with his son *dreamy sigh* who could not love a gorgeous man with a cute little boy he clearly adores? It is like seeing a hotty cuddling a puppy; impossible to resist!
I think I will end this with a quote from Ian to demonstrate my point:
“Have I told you today that I love you?” he asked.
“A few dozen times. Not that I mind.” As a young woman who’d been starved for love much of her life, Beth lapped up Ian’s generous outpouring of the words. He’d surprise her with them, catching her as she walked down the hall, pushing her up against a wall, breathing, “I love you.” Or he’d tickle her awake and tell her while she tried to hit him with a pillow. The best was when he lay against her in the dark, fingers tracing her body. She treasured his whispered, “I love you.”
*dreamy sigh*
p.s. Ian also looks best in a kilt!
Now go on over to Under the Covers and see what else Suzanne and I have to say about these Mackenzie men.
Comment on each site’s post, be entered to win, easy peasy, right? And don’t forget to let us know who your favorite Highlander is.
IAN all the way. I’m sorry Laurie! 🙂
I haven’t read Hart’s story yet, but I’m willing to bet that he’s sexier than Ian (although Ian is, um, hard to surpass). Hart is the man in charge. He takes care of his brothers and their wives, even when they defy him. We know he’s carried a torch for Eleanor all these years, hiding the hurt of her rejection. Ian is a lad, but Hart is “da man.”
LOL… I’m already ducking so I say at my own risk… I haven’t read this series!!!! I want to, especially now after reading your posts. So, for you I’ll say Ian?!?!
Thanks for a fun post!
I’ll say Ian for now. That may change after I read Hart’s book.
This is a fun post. I have not read either books…so what team should I be on?? Love the name Ian so that is what I am going with.
Thanks for the chance
[email protected]
I’ve loved Ian from the beginning, but I think Hart has potential. Can’t wait for him to let loose a little bit in his book. *fingers crossed* Either way, you can’t go wrong with a Mackenzie brother. 😉
right now I’d have to go w/ Ian…that could change after reading The Duke’s Perfect Wife. I’m open to persuasion…:)
I am looking forward to reading Hart’s story, but I am an Ian lady. I do agree that Hart is strong and is hella sexy, and with that rough exterior, you know he is full of passion. Which this reader is looking forward to reading. With this all being said, I am a fan of all things Mackenzie. However, Ian is my favorite!
I have read both and have to go with Ian ;p
For now I’m TEAM IAN but I like to keep my options open 😉
I’m afraid I haven’t read them either but I love highlanders and have to say Ian!!
I have not ‘met’ either of these Highlanders, but after reading your posts believe I need to! ;o)
Even though I haven’t read either book yet, I think Hart sounds pretty great, so I vote for Hart.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
This is difficult–they both sound like I’d LOVE to cuddle up under the covers and read all about them–guess I know what I’ll be doing on Sunday—Barnes & Noble here I come!! My feeling is I will drool over Ian–not to say that I might not salivate over Hart—-I’ll go with Ian for now!
[email protected]
Ha ha! All you Ian lovers only say that because you haven’t read Hart’s book yet! lol
I think I’ll have to take a closer look at these guys before I make up my mind.
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Ian. Definitely.
[email protected]
I’d have to go with Hart.
It’s been Ian all the way. But we’ll see how Hart does. 🙂
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I have not read this series and I like the name Ian better than Hart but the cover for Hart’s story I love a lot more that Ian’s story. Whew it is hot.
pefrw at yahoo dot com
Yay! Look at all these Ian lovers! They know a good Highlander when they see one 😀
Hart is a bare chested and kilted Paul Marron. How can I not vote for him? 🙂
ironss [at] gmail [dot] com
Haven’t read the books yet but Ian seems mighty fine to me. But then again is it possible to have them both?
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com
Both men sound so lovely, and it would be hard to make a choice. However, they’re both MacKenzie men, so obviously have much love and passion to give to their ladies. Therefore, I can’t play favorites, so on that note, can I have both please?
For now I am saying “Ian” but that can change.
Raonaid at gmail dot com
Congratulations to our winner Sheree!
*Contest is closed*