This weeks Question:Q: What is your guilty pleasure as far as reading? Is it a genre, or is it a certain type of book?
Highland Hussy here, and my guilty pleasure is that I love to read both secret babies and epilogues with babies (or as most of twitter calls it, The Babylogue). I don’t know why, I mean I know it’s not very feminist of me, and maybe it’s because I’m pregnant with babies on the brain, but bring me teh babehs!
 So, your turn! Let us know what your guilty pleasure is? Fabio, pirates, Highlanders…oh wait, were those more of mine? Oops 😉
Haha! Nice! I couldn’t really think of a “guilty” pleasure. So I just say that I freely admit to loving my paranormal reads!
Here’s my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
Secret babies…yes, I like those too! 😉 I was thinking a new book by KMM is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine! Happy Friday!