What is a book you didn’t like that all your friends raved about or what book did you love that wasn’t popular?
Ok, the book that I didn’t like (as much) as everyone else raved about was:
Dream Fever by Karen Marie Moning. I know, I know… I didn’t say that it was wasn’t a very important stepping stone in the series; I just feel like it dragged on and on… I think at one point I wanted to kill Mac just to make her stop talking.
But, without that book we couldn’t of had ShadowFever.
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I am an Avid reader and mother of 3 adult children. Now 7 years after creating my first blog, Demon Lover's Book & More; book blogging has become my passion. Creating www.GotFiction.com blog has allowed me the opportunity to review great books, make wonderful friends and meet amazing authors.
Hahahah, Dream Fever had me acting live a lunatic. I was ranting and raving and I think I went onto Twitter and VOWED that I was done with KMM after that ending! 😀
Five stars are like six-pack abs on a really tan, hunky guy not wearing much. They make us drool, we stroke them (the books, not the guys! - sometimes the guys...) and want to make sweet, sweet love to them. Five stars is the hottest, we mean, highest honor.
Four stars is a total hunkalicious of burning love, but maybe we didn't like his hair for some reason. We still think he's hot, and we're still going to recommend him, we mean, the book, to readers because it's a damn fine ass, we mean book.
Three stars = that awkward guy at the party. He's cute and you know he's cute, and if you look at him the right way, he even looks like Brad Pitt a little, but there are flaws. Surprisingly, he's good in bed (because you got drunk and shit happens).
Remember that - yeah we don't either.
One star is like expecting a somewhat attractive guy and being sent a Grumpy cat meme. We appreciate the effort, but no. This book was not for us. Grumpy cat might want to use it for litter though.
New follower!
You know, I’ve seen that one on a few people’s lists, but I’ve never read it.
Thanks for the follow
New follower via GFC! 🙂
I’ve not read this yet 🙂
I’m a new GFC follower, here’s my FF at Rookie Romance
Hahahah, Dream Fever had me acting live a lunatic. I was ranting and raving and I think I went onto Twitter and VOWED that I was done with KMM after that ending! 😀
But then Shadowfever made up for everything. lol.
New GFC follower – LisaFicTalk
My FF – http://fic-talk.com/2013/03/feature-follow-1/