I received this as an ARC (thank you Shiloh)
We enter the story in a lingerie store. It’s called Lush and Lace and the meaning behind the title was great! Rocki is one of the owners and she designs her own lingerie-it’s fun, sexy and a lot of the corsets can be worn over certain types of shirts…I could so easily picture everything that was described. In fact I went looking for a corset the next day (Shiloh-my hubby thanks you).
So while Rocki is finishing up a display, the door chimes and she looks over to see a stunningly beautiful woman and a hunkalicious man. An engaged couple who owns a new high end lingerie shop down the street.
Mara wants Rocki’s designer “Lush,” but no one will clue her in on how to get a hold of the designer. So Mara finally deigns to enter Lush and Lace, and she instantly dismisses Rocki as beneath her. Now I don’t want to give too much away, especially since this book releases today, but the side plot of Mara trying to steal Rocki’s designer adds an element of intrigue to the already suspenseful plot that Rocki might have a dangerous stalker.
Meanwhile, Cole, Mara’s fiance, realizes that Mara is a very unhappy person who has turned into a cruel bitch right before his eyes. Breaking off his engagement to Mara was both freeing and long-overdue. But how to convince Rocki of that?
One thing about this book was that the stalker was amazingly accurate. He was such a great villain, that I would love to see Shiloh Walker write a full-length romantic suspense–she absolutely has the talent and the creativity. Her bad guy was just soo well-done.
The way Rocki grew and learned from her past was perfect for the character she had become. My favorite part of this story was that I liked the characters. Our heroine never had a TSTL moment, and the hero was protective but not in a territorial “I have to pee around my mate kind of way.” It was nice to watch them fall in love and it wasn’t too fast, or unbelievable. I thoroughly enjoyed this story.
My only teeny problem was that I felt it ended too quickly. Well, that and I wished Mara had been hit by a bus or something. Hey, she deserved it! And good for Cole for sticking up for himself and Rocki.
My Nook lists the pdf as 92 pages, and I read it in one shot. Shiloh Walker writes believable characters and intensely suspenseful storylines, this is a must read for any fans of romantic suspense or contemporary romance.
You can find “Tempt Me” and all of Shiloh’s other works at http://www.shilohwalker.com/
Shiloh does have a romantic suspense coming out later this year ;). It’ll be a trilogy. As of right now, the release date for the first book is Oct. 25 and is titled “If You Hear Her”. For more info, check out her site http://www.shilohwalker.com/website/?page_id=18664
But, yep, Tempt Me was AWESOME and who else now wants a corset ;)?
thanks for the new info, Nicole, I appreciate it
I believe Fragile and Broken would both be considered Romantic Suspense. from Berkley Sensation