A Season for SinA Season for Sin by Vicky Dreiling
My rating: 2.5 of 5 flamess

2 flames, maybe a 2.5

I’m really disappointed with this one.

First off, this is not a complete HEA-this is the beginning of a new series and the novella is more of a teaser, or an intro to the characters and the series.

(btw, that is not why I rated it a 2)

This one starts out pretty strong, with the hero intending on letting his mistress go, but she turns the tables on him and lets him go. Then he sort of wanders around feeling lonely, he sort of notices some young bucks, he meets some new friends, and he goes home. I really enjoyed the banter.

Ms. Dreiling’s best asset is the wit and wittiness of her characters.

What I didn’t care for was the heroine. She isn’t given much page time, and in a 60 page novella, that’s kind of a big deal. They don’t meet until after halfway through! That surprised me a bit. I don’t know if I would like Laura more if I were to read the full-length novel that this sets up, and to be honest I’m nost sure I want to.
Basically she is raising her stepson, and he’s almost at age of majority (he’s 17) and she has taken him to London for the first time. He has fallen in with the wrong crowd, and she’s stressed out and doesn’t know what to do. She pretty much wrings her hands and tries to tell him what he should do. He tells her he doesn’t need a babysitter and proceeds to party like a frat boy.

This is the issue I had with her. She has very few pages, and she comes off as super naïve and incredibly sheltered, but with zero personality. How can I want to read more, when she’s boring? The hero has so much personality as to overshadow any chance Laura would have had to shine. In the book coming up, her stepson’s guardian will probably take control somehow, and the hero will probably have to help her out somehow. It’s very obvious, and I really hope that Laura grows up a bit.

This whole storyline really needs more pages (hence the following novel), but still, I had a hard time getting worked up to read the novel since I didn’t like the heroine.

***ARC courtesy of Forever Yours and netgalley.com

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