Highland Bride by Hannah Howell
My rating: 3 of 5 flames
I have got to stop reading Hannah Howell books. I just don’t enjoy them. All too often I find the same story or plot device just in a different book. I think this is one of those authors I’m just going to have to part ways with.
For those of you who like Hannah Howell, this is one of her better heroines. I really liked Gilly, which is funny since I didn’t care for her in Highland Knight. Gilly has grown into a realistic and intelligent woman.
When approached by 3 different lairds whose lands bordered the small keep and land she was given, she outwitted them time and time again. BUT she also realistically knew that she was being given an option to choose her husband, which is far more than most women were allowed.
This is where my issues came into play. I didn’t really care for the hero. I did understand why he was the way he was, I just didn’t like it. All of his reasons really just made me like him less.
I think that the plot with Gilly and the mistress was a good idea, but I didn’t like how oblivious the men were. Which I know is part of the Hannah Howell sense of humor-men need a good woman and are completely clueless without one, but still… Not my cuppa.
I think I’ll just leave this at if you like Hannah Howell, you’ll like this one.
View all my reviews***review copy provided by Kensington Publishing
I love a good Scottish romance so I’ll pretty much read anything I come across….just in case it might be a good one. Hannah Howell for me is a bit hit and miss as well. I found when I was on a reading splurge with her backlist it helped to keep going one after the other because some of the characters were fresh in my mind. I read one recently and had a hard time remembering who was who in the family tree. I’ve had some great reads from her though so I’ll keep hanging out for a good one.