At the recommendation from a friend, I thought I’d take a look at the work of Kelly Gay and was so glad I did. Kelly is a master at world building, creating an alternate reality from that which we know. Kelly gives us a kick-ass heroine, Charlie Madigan, and helps us identify which her as a single mom and woman married to her job. Recently revived from death, Charlie is experiencing “changes” in her body; yet still struggles to hold it all together and get her job done. Charlie is part of the Integration Task Force of the Atlanta PD, no small chore since the underground criminal elements seem to be bursting at the seams.
The interesting relationship between Charlie and her off-world partner Hank intrigued me, feeling the sexual tension that seemed to be ever present. I began wishing this was a para-romance novel so I could see some true action between them…
Either way, the book moved fast and kept me turning the pages to find out the outcome of Hank and Charlie’s investigation into the off-world narcotic known as ASH. Charlie finds herself in some interesting places during her pursuit to find the manufacturer of the illegal substance as well as some scantily clad disguises, the bath scene being my favorite.
You will definitely enjoy this sci-fi/thriller that decadently teeters on the para/urban edge.
Charlie works for ITF (Integration Task Force). It’s her job to see that the continued integration of our new “friends” goes smoothly and everyone obeys the law, but when a new off-world drug is released in Underground Atlanta, her daughter is targeted, and her ex-husband makes a fateful bargain to win her back, there’s nothing in heaven or earth (or hell for that matter) that Charlie won’t do to set things right