If you swing by our sister site Demon Lover’s Books and More you can enter to win either An Unsuitable Bride by Jane Feather or Deception by Kris Kennedy

*Click Here to enter the giveaway*

I just got a fab email letting me know that A WEDDING WAGER by Jane Feather (eBook) will be discounted to $2.99 until July 15th, so grab it while it’s hot!

Her next book, AN UNSUITABLE BRIDE, goes on sale July 24th. 
 *Sigh* Such pretty covers.
Next up is DEFIANT by Kris Kennedy (eBook) is discounted to $2.99 until July 30th.
Her next book, DECEPTION, goes on sale July 31st.
 ***We also have an excerpt from DEFIANThttp://kriskennedy.net/170.